Dry Eye Treatment

Dry Eye Specialists in League City, TX

dry eye

Dry eye disease can make anyone feel discomfort and frustration, and yet many people resign themselves to itchy, red eyes. Our team at Elite Vision Care wants you to know that relief isn’t just possible, it’s easy to get with professional aid: dry eye can be effectively managed with the right customized care. Our expert eye doctors use advanced diagnostic tools and personalized treatment plans to provide a multifaceted solution for your unique case.

What is Dry Eye Disease?

Dry eye disease describes when your tears aren’t hydrating your eyes. In some cases, you don’t produce enough tears, while in other cases, your tears evaporate too quickly to do their job, leaving you with eyes that are excessively watery but not actually hydrated.

As a result of this condition, your eyes can feel dry, gritty, red, and painful, and require attention from a dry eye specialist for effective healing and relief. When left untreated, dry eye can affect vision and even cause surface-level eye injuries — the tear film, after all, helps protect the eye from irritants.

Types of Dry Eye

Dry eye disease generally occurs when the tears are missing one of their key components: water, oil, or mucus. For example, evaporative dry eye describes when tears evaporate too quickly because they lack sufficient oil, and aqueous dry eye refers to when the eye doesn’t have enough water to produce tears.

But dry eye can also occur because of a lack of mucus in the tears, insufficient vitamins and nutrients, or any combination of these issues. Our dry eye specialists use their state-of-the-art equipment and expertise to determine which type(s) you may be dealing with, and how to approach your treatment.

What Causes Dry Eye Disease?

The most common cause of dry eye is Meibomian Gland Disease (MGD) or a similar issue with the eyelid’s meibomian glands, which produce oil for tears. However, there are many potential causes: if any of the primary components of tears are lacking, or even certain nutrients, dry eye can occur.

Some risk factors are out of your control, such as being over 50, being pregnant or menopausal, or having recently had eye surgery. Risk factors that you can control include changing your contact lens wear, reducing screen time, avoiding contaminated air, and addressing other eye conditions.

Dry Eye Disease Diagnosis & Treatment at Elite Vision Care

At Elite Vision Care, we start with a complete evaluation of your eyes to diagnose the root cause(s) of your particular dry eye. Our top-of-the-line equipment helps us catch all potential underlying causes by examining your cornea, tear ducts, eyelids, and oil glands. We also have a TearLab on site to test tear osmolarity, one of the most trusted assessments of dry eye disease available today.

We use everything we learn about your eyes, and lifestyle, to put together a personalized dry eye management plan for you.

These plans often use a combination of the following treatments:

Dry Eye Rescue

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